Bachelors in physiotherapy, Masters in physiotherapy(musculoskeleton)
Physiotherapist, Jaipur
17 years experience
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An upper or a middle backache can be triggered by a
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A chronic backache can be quite agonizing. There can be a myriad of factors that trigger an upper and middle backache, the most common of which include a herniated disc that ends up exerting extreme pressure on the spine and the spinal nerves. The back pain can also surface in case of a muscle injury or a sprain due to lifting heavy objects, strenuous exercise, and physical activities. Osteoarthritis plays a pivotal role in triggering a backache.
In many individuals, a lower back pain is caused by
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Lumbar Spondylosis is one of the prime factors triggering a lower back pain in elderly people (people of other age groups can also be affected). As indicative of the name, Lumbar Spondylosis is a medical condition characterized by damage and degeneration of the spine in the lumbar region. As a result, there is pain and stiffness in the lower back that often restricts or interferes with the movement of the affected individual. People with Lumbar Spondylosis should avoid gymnastics and football, both of which may aggravate the condition
A lower back pain that eventually radiates down the back of one or both the legs is characteristic of
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Sciatica is a painful condition whereby the Sciatic nerve that has its origin from the spinal nerves L4 to S3 is affected. A degenerative disorder of the disc, Lumbar spinal stenosis (a condition whereby there is a narrowing of the spinal canal especially around the lumbar region), slip disc, to name a few are some of the medical conditions that can exert pressure on the sciatic nerve resulting in Sciatica and the associated discomfort. With medications, it is also essential to keep the body weight within a healthy range.
A healthy diet high can alleviate the back pain and the inflammation considerably.
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In addition to exercising, physiotherapy, medications, and the choice of the diet go a long way in providing relief from a backache. In many instances, the back pain, especially the lower half, can be due to obesity. Foods rich in fibre play a significant role in ensuring a healthy weight loss. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, magnesium are known to reduce the pain and inflammation to a significant extent. Processed and fast foods, refined grains can further aggravate the back pain.
A sedentary lifestyle can work wonders to keep back pain at day
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A sedentary lifestyle along with physical and mental stress is the worst nemesis triggering a back pain. Regularly carrying a heavy and overloaded bag from your shoulder can exert extreme pressure on the lower half of the body with a backache being an obvious consequence. It is also essential to take care of your posture and footwear. In the case of women, a backache can also be a result of wearing high heels regularly. A warm bath or using a warm compress on the affected area can provide some relief from the pain.