M.S in Orthopedic, Fellowship in arthroplasty & reconstructive surgery , D.N.B in Orthopedic, Fellowship in Joint Replacement
Orthopedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
17 years experience
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If you have lower back pain, you must be on complete bed rest
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While there is no need to run a marathon when suffering form lower back pain, you should keep moving. This stretches the back muscles and helps you maintain the correct curvature of your spine. On the other hand, lack of movement can stiffen the muscles and aggravate the problem and slow down your recovery. However, do not try lifting weights or any strenuous activities.
The most common cause of lower back pain is
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Lower back pain can be triggered by many factors but the most common amongst them is a sprained muscle or ligament. This can happen suddenly or develop over time. Lifting weights awkwardly, sudden movements that put pressure on the back, a fall, improper posture and sports injuries are some of the common causes for a muscle pull or sprain. Other common causes for lower back pain include herniated disc, joint dysfunction, osteoarthritis, compression fractures, deformities, trauma and spondylolisthesis. In rare cases lower back pain can also be caused by tumors, infections and autoimmune diseases.
Being overweight can increase the risk of lower back aches
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Being overweight not only puts additional pressure on your heart but also puts extra pressure on your lower back muscles. Thus obese individuals have a high risk of lower back pain. In case you are on the heavy side, the first step to relieving back pain is to lose weight and thus reduce the pressure on your back muscles. However, be careful about the exercise routine you choose to follow and ensure that it does not aggravate your back pain. Low intensity workouts like walking, swimming and yoga are ideal in such cases.
Lower back aches can be treated at home by
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Most backaches do not require medical intervention and can be treated with simple home remedies. Applying hot and cold packs alternatively can be very effective in most cases. Each of these packs should not be used for more than 20 minutes at a stretch. Stretching can also help relieve back pain by flexing muscles and improving your balance and posture. The downward facing dog yoga asana is one of the most effective when it comes to lower back aches. You could also try a back massage that soothes stressed muscles.
Heels can aggravate back aches
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Though they look great, heels are not only painful but can also aggravate back pain. The higher your heels, the more unstable your posture will be. If you must wear flats, keep the stilettoes away and pick low heeled sandals. Wearing flats that do not fit well is as bad as wearing heels as this can make your feet slip and increase the risk of falling. Alternating between heels and flats can also help lower the risk of back pain.