MS - Orthopaedics, MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, DNB - Orthopedics & Orthopedic Surgery
Orthopedic Doctor, Hyderabad
37 years experience
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Consumption of high protein is good for bone health.
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A diet that is very high in protein content has a diuretic effect which in turn acidifies the blood. Now this acidification of the blood results in the loss of magnesium and calcium from the blood which is not at all good for the health of the bones. You should make sure that the diet that you consume should contain only 20 percent protein and 80 percent vegetables.
What to do to keep your bones healthy during middle age?
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In the middle ages, if proper care of the bones is taken, you will not have to suffer from the bone-related issue in the old age. Excess sugar in the body robs the body of the essential minerals like magnesium and calcium which are of utmost importance for healthy and strong bones. Getting exposed to the rays of the sun will ensure the production of vitamin D which is good for the health of the bones. The sun rays during the afternoon are the best for the production of vitamin D by the skin.
What is the diet you should follow for healthy and strong bones regardless of your age?
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Some dietary modifications are extremely beneficial for the strengthening of the bones especially as you reach middle age. We know that the dairy products are rich in calcium but at the same time, green leafy vegetables are not only high in calcium content but also rich in vitamin K which helps to increase the density of the bones. Nuts are simply the superfood when it comes to fighting osteoporosis. Salt contains sodium which speeds up the loss of calcium and hence should be taken as less as possible. You can consult an expert orthopaedic and go for a calcium or magnesium supplement to keep the bone density intact.
Butter is beneficial for healthy and strong bones.
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Butter has a phenomenal effect on the neural and skeletal development of the kids as well as the adults. The individuals who have trouble in the proper absorption of calcium due to lack of vitamin D, butter is the best medicine which contains vitamin D and at the same time, it drives the minerals into the bones. In this case, the organic raw and cultured butter are considered to be the best and the most effective one.
Rebounding is one of the best exercises to take care of the bones for a middle-aged person.
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Jumping up and down which is referred to as rebounding is one of the most efficient exercises that help to maintain a good health of the bones. Simply jumping on a rebounder or a mini trampoline can challenge every cell of the body which the conventional exercises cannot do. Care should be taken that the kids should perform this exercise under the supervision of adults and older adults should not try out this exercise since it can have an adverse impact on their health.