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Carpel Tunnel Syndrome And Pregnancy - What's The Relation?

MBBS, MS - Orthopaedics
Orthopedic Doctor, Raipur  •  15 years experience
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome And Pregnancy - What's The Relation?
CTS can occur anytime.
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Carpel Tunnel Syndrome And Pregnancy - What's The Relation?
Which of these is the primary cause of Carpel Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) during pregnancy?
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Carpel Tunnel Syndrome And Pregnancy - What's The Relation?
CTS causes numbness and pain in your fingers.
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Carpel Tunnel Syndrome And Pregnancy - What's The Relation?
How can you get relief from CTS pain?
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Carpel Tunnel Syndrome And Pregnancy - What's The Relation?
CTS occurs only in hand.
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