Pain Management Specialist, Mumbai
18 years experience
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Pain in the chest can be triggered by disorders of the stomach or the intestines.
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Contrary to popular belief, chest pain is not always due to a heart attack. Disorders of the gastrointestinal system have many symptoms, and it includes pain and tightness in the chest. Conditions such as acid reflux, peptic ulcers, oesophageal hypersensitivity, etc. can manifest as chest pain. Even inflammation of the pancreas or the gall bladder can cause pain and burning sensations in the chest.
Chest pain caused by muscle strain can be relieved by the application of heat to the area.
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In case of chest pain that has been triggered by muscle strain, an ice pack should be applied. Muscle strain, normally caused by lifting heavy objects, can lead to the inflammation of the chest wall and cause severe pain, along with the build up of pressure in the chest. The application of an ice pack can help reduce inflammation and lessen the pain. This should be done several times a day for effective management of the pain.
Which of the following situations requires immediate medical attention?
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In many cases, pain in the chest that is caused by underlying health issues may spread to other parts of the torso such as the neck, back, arms and jaw. This is a symptom of a potentially high-risk condition which should be given immediate medical attention to prevent it from becoming any more severe.
Which of the following food items promotes good health and prevents chest pain?
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Juice of the pomegranate fruit contains high amounts of antioxidants which boost the health and functioning of the arteries and keep cholesterol levels under control. This may help in preventing chest pain that is caused by cardiovascular problems. It should be kept in mind that only freshly squeezed juice is good for the body and not artificially manufactured package juice.
Heavy exercise can lead to a heart condition that causes chest pain.
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Exercising too much or exerting yourself excessively can lead to a condition known as angina, which almost feels like a heart attack. This is a kind of heart disease which leads to blockages in the arteries, preventing enough oxygenated blood from reaching the heart and causing pain in the chest. It is best to exercise under the supervision of a skilled trainer or after consulting a physician to ensure that overexertion that leads to such a condition does not take place.