What are the most common causes of pelvic pain in a woman?
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Pelvic pain is one of the most commonly faced issues by women. While some women compulsorily take pain killers to manage their monthly pains, others learn to silently bear it. However, it is always advisable to rule out any underlying issues if there is a pattern to the pain. Pelvic pain should not be ignored if it is chronic. Always advisable to rule out any underlying causes.
What are some symptoms that could indicate a deeper problem with the pelvic pain?
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Pelvic pain is not an easy problem to address. Given the number of organs in the region, the cause could be anything gastrointestinal, obstetric, gynecologic, or simply urinary. There could also be neurological or internal trauma issues associated with it. So, when diagnosing pelvic pain, it should always be based on a complete set of symptoms supplemented by radiological or imaging data. If your doctor suggests that more tests need to be done for pelvic pain, do not ignore. There could be an underlying issue, which is better ruled out in the earlier phases.
What are some tests to determine the exact reason for pelvic pain?
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Ruling out the exact cause of pelvic pain can be a cumbersome process. Based on the presenting symptoms, the doctor will start with something common and gradually move towards the less common ones. Associated symptoms, for instance, the characteristic pain with kidney stones, can help in determining which tests to be done. Blood in the urine can point to an infection or kidney stones. Irregular bowel movements can be detailed with stool tests. Be as detailed as possible when you are talking about pelvic pain and associated symptoms with your doctor.
Women with pelvic pain always have issues with the reproductive tract
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The pelvic pain can be due to multiple reasons stomach, kidneys, bladder, uterus, ovaries, etc. Depending on the presenting symptoms and other clinical or laboratory tests, the reason can be narrowed down. The age of the patient and gynecologic history also plays a major role in identifying the problem. Most people are able to identify what their pelvic pain could indicate based on associated symptoms.
Pelvic pain can be managed without surgical intervention
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There are various ways to manage pelvic pain. Many women endure it as part of their femininity and therefore pelvic inflammatory diseases and endometriosis can go unnoticed. However, in those who reach out for medical help, there are nonsurgical methods which are highly effective. Pelvic floor exercises, warm baths, antibiotics for infections, and painkillers for the cramps are some measure which helps many women to go through pelvic pain. If there is no underlying cause, or if there is relief with these measures, then these should suffice. If you are convinced that the pelvic pain is a regular part of menstruation, manage your schedule to include adequate rest, hydration, and energy rich diet.