Royal College Of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (MRCOG)
IVF Specialist, Alwar
47 years experience
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Hysterectomy (surgery to remove the uterus) may be required to correct pain from endometriosis.
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This is a common misconception among women that severe abdominal or pelvic pain from endometriosis will require a hysterectomy or a procedure to remove the uterus and other female reproductive organs. Endometriosis is not a problem of the uterus, but a condition where uterine tissue grows outside of the uterus on other surrounding organs and this needs to be removed in order for the pain to be eliminated instead of the removal of the uterus.
Which of the following has been linked with endometriosis and the resultant pelvic pain?
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It has been noticed that women who suffer from endometriosis tend to have much higher levels of estrogen within their body. However, this cannot be directly linked to the disorder as the primary cause as doctors are still not sure what exactly cause endometriosis. Thus medications or procedures to reduce the levels of estrogen may not necessarily stop the problem. Surgery may be required to remove the uterine tissue growth on the surrounding organs which can then alleviate pain.
Endometriosis could result in the development of cancer.
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This is again a common misconception where many women think that endometriosis could turn into cancer of the female reproductive organs such as uterine, ovarian or cervical cancer. However endometriosis is the development of uterine tissue on other organs such as the ovaries, the fallopian tubes among other organs. Thus this cannot be a cause for cancer.
Which is the most common hindrance in treating pelvic pain caused by endometriosis?
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Most women who suffer from pelvic pain caused by endometriosis wrongly diagnose themselves as having a painful period and adjust their lives accordingly. While some women may think that they have tendencies for painful periods, doctors may also tend to dismiss their problems on other factors. Long standing pelvic pain from endometriosis results in proper diagnosis on an average after women have suffered from this condition for almost 10 years and thus, the correct diagnosis percentage is fairly low. It is advisable that you always take a second opinion in order to determine the source of your pelvic pain during the periods.
Endometriosis will end up causing total infertility.
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While endometriosis is one of the leading causes of infertility among women, many women have successfully conceived and delivered healthy babies despite having endometriosis. Artificial insemination has especially made it easy for many women to conceive rather than through normal conception. Correct measures and early diagnosis can help you manage the symptoms more easily and help you have a normal pregnancy without any hindrances.