F.C.P.S (Dermatology), MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, DDV
Dermatologist, Pune
25 years experience
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Which of these can be considered as the right description of eczema?
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Often doctors refer to eczema as dermatitis which is a red and itchy skin rash. These red and itchy skin rashes can go away for a while which can flare up once again. When you have chronic and long-lasting eczema, you must consult a dermatologist who can help in keeping the symptoms under control. Extreme weather, scratchy woolen clothes, and dry skin are some of the most common triggers of eczema, and therefore, they must be avoided to keep eczema under control.
Which of these are causes of eczema?
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Even though it is hard to discern what s causing eczema, scientists are of the opinion that the genes play the most active role in causing eczema. Often it is seen that a weak immune system causes eczema which sometimes runs in the family. Sometimes, a weak and haywire immune system can lead to a flare-up. You should seek medical assistance whenever you have eczema even though the symptoms are under control. Eczema is often associated with physical and mental restlessness. Over work, exhoustion, exposure to dust and sun light are common precipitating factors. All of these have to be controlled. Exccesive consumption of carbohydrates, tea and coffee should be avoided.
There are numerous ways of diagnosing eczema.
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Your doctor can tell you whether you have eczema by diagnosing the symptoms on the skin along with your clinical history. It is advised to consult a dermatologist who is an expert in diagnosing skin issues. This is because there is no precise way of diagnosing eczema and you would have to depend on your doctor entirely to know whether you have eczema. You may be advised to do skin patch test to see if any particular foods or materials are causing eczema.
Various types of creams and lotions are useful in the treatment of eczema.
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There are hordes of medicinal creams and lotions that can be used in keeping the symptoms of eczema under control. But for that, it is important to discern what s causing the issues. For instance, steroid creams are given for reducing itchiness while topical creams are meant for protecting the skin from outbreaks of eczema. Also, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory creams are used for reducing redness and itchiness and treat mild to moderate form of atopic dermatitis. Follow the instructions of your dermatologist completely to control the condition effectively. Further, applying moisturizing and sun screen lotion/ cream from an early age will go a long way in preventing and healing the aging of skin.
In severe cases of eczema, oral medications may have to be taken.
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When the itchiness from eczema is keeping you up at night, you may have to take oral antihistamines. Your doctor may also ask you to take oral corticosteroid medications or ask you to take oral shots of medicines like cetirizine or fexofenadine to reduce itchiness and flares. When the affected area of the skin is broken and bleeding, you will have to take antibiotics to ensure prevention of further complications. If you are taking over the counter medications, opt for the ones that don't make you drowsy. But it is always advisable to consult your physician to avail proper treatment.