Removal of gallstones is done by removing the gallbladder along with the gallstones through numerous small incisions made in the abdomen through laparoscopic gallbladder surgery termed as cholecystomy. The surgery causes bile to flow from the liver to the small intestine through the common bile duct. This is because, with the gall bladder removed, the body no longer has the capacity to store bile between meals. Add the foods back to your diet in a gradual and stepwise manner as recommended for post-op care.
During the gallbladder removal procedure, which of the steps are performed by the surgeon?
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There might be a need to perform a special X-ray called intraoperative cholangiography to study the anatomy of the bile ducts. The surgeon would need to inflate the abdomen with air or carbon dioxide to see clearly. Then a lighted scope with video camera is entered through an incision near the belly button. Further, using the instrument as a guide, the surgery is performed through other incisions. You should skip high-fat foods after the procedure because they might get you in discomfiture.
Gallbladder surgery patients are expected to return to normal activities in 2 weeks.
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Gallbladder surgery may be performed as an outpatient or staying 1 or 2 days in the hospital. Normal activities may be resumed in 7 to 10 days. Laparoscopic surgeries leave people sore for about a week and have much less discomfort after 2 to 3 weeks than people who have undergone open surgeries. No diets or other precautionary measures would be needed after a laparoscopic surgery. Introduce high-fibre foods slowly.
Laparoscopic surgery is not good for treating gallstones.
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One of the best ways of treating gallstones is through a laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. It is the preferred surgical technique employed until there is a reason not to do so due to certain complications. The reason for this bias is because of its safety and effectiveness. Though stones can later form in the common bile duct, it is a very rare occasion. You should keep a journal to watch out for side-effects and report to your doctor if you notice any.
You can eat a normal diet straightaway.
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Though the surgeon can give you specific advice relating to your case, returning to a regular diet is possible after surgery, though some food items should be avoided considering the surgery. Gentle exercises, like walking, can be performed, but strenuous exercises can be performed after a period of doctor's recommendation. You can totally return to your normal activities after 10 to 14 days. Take things slowly after the surgery. Do not get into hasty actions.