Not all your hair grows at the same pace or is in the same stage of growth. There are three distinct phases of hair growth; the anagen or growth phase, catagen or transitional phase, and telogen or resting phase. Natural hair fall typically occurs in the last phase. At this point, the hair follicle anchors soften and break free of the root. Within two weeks after hair fall, new hair follicle will begin to grow from this root signalling the end of the telogen phase and the beginning of the anagen phase.
Common signs of hair loss include
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The key to treating hair loss is to start treatment as early as possible. If not addressed in time, hair follicles grow weaker and begin to produce thinner and more fragile hair. The most common symptom of hair loss is being able to see more of your scalp when combing through your hair or parting it. Hair that does not hold its weight when styled can also be a sign of thinning hair. Clean your hair brush regularly so that you will be able to notice extra hair fall.
Your diet can influence hair fall
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What you eat plays an important role in keeping your hair healthy and in strengthening the root of your hair. To stay healthy your hair needs plenty of proteins, iron, copper and vitamin E and D. Hair loss is often one of the first signs of malnutrition as when the body does not get adequate vitamin and minerals, the hair is one of the first organs from where it is re purposed. Include plenty of nuts, fish, spinach and seaweed in your diet to prevent hair loss.
Hair loss can not be prevented
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As long as your hair loss is not caused by hereditary conditions, it can be prevented. To do this, you must eat a balanced diet and live a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and low exposure to stress. Meditation is a good way of dealing with stress and can help prevent hair loss.
The average amount of hair that falls each day is
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10-15% of the hair on your scalp may be in the telogen phase at any given point of time. However, not all of this hair will fall off at the same time. On an average, a person may lose up to 100 strands of hair a day without it becoming a problem. If you wake up to see your pillow covered with hair, it?s time to see a doctor.