What is the full form of PRP, a therapy used in hair loss treatment?
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Platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy is used to treat extensive hair loss. In this procedure, a patient s blood is drawn from their own body to be re-used for hair loss treatment. The blood is treated to separate it into categories based on plasma content, and is then injected into the scalp to nourish the hair follicles and stimulate growth.
How many steps are involved in PRP therapy?
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There are 3 steps involved in PRP therapy. In the first step, blood is drawn out from the body. In the second, it is categorized into groups based on high or low platelet count. In the third and final step, the drawn blood is inserted into the portions of the head where hair growth is required, to enrich the nutrient content of the follicles.
How often are maintenance treatments required for PRP therapy?
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Although PRP is a highly recommended process with results achieved by itself alone, maintenance treatments are recommended for best results every 4-6 weeks. In the period just after treatment, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication and blood thinners are best avoided. In the 5 hours immediately following treatment, Jacuzzis, sauna and heat treatments on the skin are also advised against.
What is the equipment used for blood processing in PRP therapy?
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A centrifuge is the device used in PRP therapy, in the second out of the 3 steps in the process. It s function is to separate the blood into 3 categories- platelet rich plasma, platelet poor plasma and red blood cells. It does so by rotating the blood at high speeds.
Which part of the body is mostly used to draw blood from in PRP therapy?
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The arm is the part of the body most preferred to draw blood from for purposes of PRP therapy. This is because there aren t any internal organs in immediate proximity to the arm, and therefore there is reduced risk of trauma to them. Also, veins on arms are superficial and easy to locate for operation.