Fue Hair Transplantation, Advanced Aesthetics, RPSLH, SHS, MBBS
Cosmetic Physician, Hyderabad
34 years experience
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Simultaneously using hair care products of different brands will lead to hair loss and baldness.
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Although using too many hair products with high chemical content may cause your hair to become weak and thin, it certainly will not lead to permanent hair loss and baldness. There are very few factors that trigger the condition of permanent alopecia (hair loss) and balding, and the use of multiple hair care products is not one of them.
Which is the most common phenomenon that causes middle aged men to go bald?
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Miniaturization is the process in which strands of hair become brittle, thinner and shorter with each hair growth cycle. It is the most common reason why most men lose their beautiful mane and go bald. This majorly happens when certain hormones hinder the growth of hair follicles till they keep getting smaller and smaller and eventually they cease to grow. It usually occurs during middle age, although a number of exceptions have been noticed, that is when it occurs in young men and teenagers.
You cannot get bald if you are a woman.
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It is an extremely uncommon phenomenon for women to get bald, but not completely impossible. There have been cases of women losing all their hair and going completely bald. This is usually caused by one or more factors, such as genetic inheritance, hormonal imbalance, improper diets, etc. Mostly, women experience extreme thinning while complete baldness is relatively rare.
Which of the following statements about premature baldness is true?
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Too much stress and anxiety are known to cause all types of health disorders, premature baldness is one of them. When you have a lot of tension due to work and responsibilities, particularly at a young age, it affects your overall health in negative ways. In extreme cases, it leads to complete baldness. This phenomenon can be easily remedied through stress busting techniques such as yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises.
A traumatic incident may cause you to lose hair.
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It has been observed that, if a person has suffered from a mental trauma, he or she may experience partial or complete hair loss. This normally happens because the trauma increases the level of stress, which in turn disrupts the functions of the body. However, it does not happen to all trauma survivors, as some may experience only thinning or partial hair loss.