M. Ch. (Plastic Surgery), MS - General Surgery, MBBS
Dermatologist, Delhi
42 years experience
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Hair thinning and hair loss happens only with age
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Sorry to break this out to you, but hair thinning has got nothing to do with age. Hair thinning and common baldness are usually genetic. Hair loss can also happen because of a variety of other reasons such as your medical condition, the medications you've been prescribed or other hormonal changes in your body. One thing to keep in mind is that hair loss is chronic and progressive. So the sooner you treat it, the better.
What are the possible causes of hair loss?
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Pregnancy is just one type of physical stress that can cause hair loss. Pregnancy-related hair loss is observed in women, more so after the baby has been delivered rather than going through pregnancy. Studies suggest that a lack of protein in your diet can force your body to compensate for it by curbing hair growth.
Which one of these foods leads to possible hair loss?
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Refined carbohydrates such as biscuits, cakes, and white flour are high in sugar content. Sugar impedes a person's ability to handle stress, and stress is one of the major reasons for hair loss. Hence, these foods must be avoided, if you want to stop hair thinning and hair loss. Spinach, on the other hand is rich in iron and sebum which act as natural conditioners for your hair.
Bald men have high level of testosterone
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And you really thought this was for real!! Hair loss is the result of the sensitivity of your hair follicles to the DHT (dihydrotestosterone) hormone and not high testosterone levels. DHT causes the sensitive hair follicles to shrink and eventually disappear with time. Come to think of it: had it been because of high testosterone levels, your body hair would've had fallen off as well. So, catch this myth by its "roots" and wash it off.
Regular shampoo usage can lead to hair thinning and hair loss
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Shampoo just cleans the scalp and does not mess with your hair roots. The strands of hair which you see on the bathroom floor after a shampoo have probably come to the end of their life cycle anyway. Just make sure not to rake a comb through your wet hair or brush them while they are still wet. Shampoo just gets rid of those strands of hair which have already come loose from your scalp.