Giving birth to a child often leads to heavy hair loss.
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During pregnancy, the level of hormones in your body is very high and that makes your hair appear fuller and shinier. Once the child is born, hormone levels will automatically go back to normal and that might cause a lot off hair to suddenly fall off. On average, it takes up to two years for the original volume of hair to get recovered.
Which of the following medications is most likely to trigger hair loss in women?
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Happy pills and mood stabilizers used to treat depression and other kinds of mental illness in women lead to various types of side effects in some cases. This includes premature and excessive loss of hair which continues for as long as the medication is still being taken. This is made more intense if there is history of hair loss in the family of the person concerned.
Women who do yoga are less likely to experience hair loss.
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Some of the most widespread causes of hair loss in women are linked to lifestyle choices. Those who regularly practice yoga and meditation are better equipped to deal with high levels of stress and anxiety which are common triggers of hair loss. Yoga also makes it easier to cope with emotional distress and other forms of psychological trauma that could potentially lead to a hair loss problem in women of all ages.
Which of the following statements about hair loss is a myth?
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Although it is true that the heat from drying and other styling equipment damages the hair, it does not cause permanent hair loss or lead to baldness in any way. The damage occurs to the hair shaft which makes the hair strand thin and prone to breakage but the hair lost due to this gets replaced naturally in due course of time. Permanent hair loss and baldness is caused by internal factors and not by the external application of heat or other products.
Spending too much time outdoors will eventually make women s hair fall out.
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Women who are exposed to the sun and the elements are not prone to hair loss problems any more than women who prefer to stay indoors. Extreme or permanent hair loss occurs due to anomalies in the scalp or internal problems and exposure to the sun does not affect the problem in any way.