Hypertension doesn't lead to heart attack and stroke
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Hypertension causes health complications that adversely affect cardiovascular health. Hypertension damages and narrows arteries which facilitates accumulation of dietary fats in them. This continued deposition of dietary fats combined with high blood pressure leads to blockages, and, eventually, heart attack and stroke. Over time, high blood pressure can also cause coronary artery disease, enlarged left heart, and heart failure.
Hypertension patients with stable blood pressure can quit medications
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Hypertension patients should never quit their medications even if their blood pressure levels are stable. This is because your blood pressure levels are stable as long as you are taking medications. Once you stop intake of antihypertensive medication, you will allow blood pressure to rise again. This will put you at an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, heart attack, heart failure and other complications of hypertension.
Statins can improve heart health of hypertension patients
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Statins are usually taken to bring down levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad cholesterol. This medication works by curbing the amount of cholesterol plaque that deposits in the bloodstreams. However, doctors can also prescribe statins to hypertension patients. This is because lower cholesterol means lower blood pressure, reducing your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Moreover, statins are known to relax the blood vessels, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure. So, if you are already taking statins, please do not stop without consulting your physician.
To know more about what you can do to reduce your risk of heart problems, you should consult an experienced healthcare professional. You can also join the Make India Heart Strong initiative which is inclined to bring the awareness to all proactive users like you who are vigilant to take good care of their health. An integrated list of Doctors is curated under this campaign, who are specialized to help you with this condition. Take advantage of the same now by booking an appointment right away with a Specialist Doctor closest to you. Do not delay any further because your Heart health is in your hands.
First Published on: 25-05-2020