A flushed face is a symptom of high blood pressure.
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While certain people turn red much easier than others, a flushed face can be caused due to congestion of blood in the face and neck. This can be a symptom of high blood pressure. There are several homeopathic treatments for high blood pressure. When accompanied by symptoms such as a flushed face or headaches, the most common remedy administered would be Glonoine. Rauwolfia mother tincture - 30 drops twice a day controls high blood pressure effectively.
Sour foods can cause high blood pressure.
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Lifestyle choices are a huge contributor to the development of high blood pressure. While it is commonly known that high salt intake and a high intake of tea, coffee and fried food increase your chances of developing high blood pressure, sour and spicy food can also have the same effect. If you live a lifestyle that involves consuming a lot of coffee, alcohol and foods that are hard on your body, you should pay attention to whether or not you are exhibiting symptoms of high blood pressure. Hypertension caused due to such a lifestyle can often be treated with homeopathic medication such as Nux Vomica. This has the added benefit of regulating your gastrointestinal health.
High blood pressure is caused by psychological reasons.
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Several factors go into a person developing high blood pressure. While a family history of high blood pressure and a person s diet and lifestyle are the most crucial of these factors, psychological trauma such as grief can give rise to it as well. Natrum Mur is a homeopathic medication that can be administered to ease hypertension symptoms in such a case. Another psychological reason for developing hypertension that is more commonly cited is anxiety. Homeopathic medication such as Baryta Carbonica can be prescribed to such patients.
What is the most commonly occurring symptom of high blood pressure?
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While a headache can be a symptom of various different problems, headaches of a throbbing nature are the most common symptom of hypertension. Since people often tend to ignore headaches, this is what makes hypertension a silent killer . High blood pressure accompanied by a throbbing headache can be treated with homeopathic medication such as Glonoinum.
Which of the following does hypertension not cause?
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While strokes and several heart diseases are commonly known problems that are caused by high blood pressure, people are less aware of how much hypertension can affect their kidneys. Kidney failure, kidney scarring and kidney artery aneurysm are often caused by high blood pressure. Kidney disease can be treated with a range of homeopathic medication. Belladonna is a commonly administered homeopathic medication for both high blood pressure and kidney disease.