Diploma in Dietetics Health & Nutrition, INFS health expert coach
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Chandigarh
7 years experience
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Which of the following is essentially the good cholesterol?
1 of 5
High-Density Lipoprotein or HDL is the good cholesterol. It absorbs the bad cholesterol and carries it to the liver, from where it is flushed out of the body. High-Density Lipoprotein
cholesterol, when has higher levels, lowers the risk of stroke and heart disease.
Which of the following is essentially bad cholesterol?
2 of 5
Low-Density Lipoprotein or LDL is the bad cholesterol, making up the most of the body s entire cholesterol. When present in higher levels, it increases the risk of stroke and heart disease. The buildup of the LDL cholesterol plaques the inner walls of the blood vessels, leading to a decrease in size of the lumen which restricts the flow of blood in the veins, arteries, and blood capillaries. This leads to an increase in blood pressure. In the case of blockage in blood flow, it leads to chest pain or angina, ultimately leading to a heart attack.
How is cholesterol in blood tested?
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Cholesterol in blood, both HDL and LDL, is tested through Lipid Profile. It is a simple blood test and generally is essentially the part of the routine health checkup. After the age of forty, cholesterol in blood should routinely be checked for its management in order to avoid major repercussions in the future.
Cholesterol management is easy through a suitable diet and lifestyle changes.
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Cholesterol management is easy through a suitable diet and lifestyle changes. Limiting the consumption of saturated fats (like in dairy and animal products, and in tropical oils) plays an important role in managing cholesterol. Intake of food naturally rich in fiber helps. Body Mass Index should be managed. Developing a routine of moderate physical activity like bicycling and brisk-walking helps in managing weight and blood pressure. Quitting smoking, tobacco, and alcohol consumption need to be considered.
Which of the following oils contain a high amount of saturated fatty acids?
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Palm oil, coconut oil, and palm kernel oil, all three are categorized into the group of tropical oils. These are rich in saturated fatty acids. Palm oil contains 50% saturated fat, coconut oil contains 92% saturated fat, and palm kernel oil contains 82% saturated fat. These oils should be avoided in food for the management of cholesterol.