Homeopathy Doctor, Bangalore
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Goiter or the swelling of the thyroid gland can cause you to suffocate.
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Goiter is the swelling of the thyroid gland due to hyperthyroidism. The enlargement of the gland which is located near the throat can actually cause constriction of the trachea and result in breathing problems such as wheezing and shortness of breath. Homeopathy has some effective medications to treat and lessen goiter. Medicines like Fucus Vesiculosus, Lycopodium Clavatum, Calcarea Lodata and Lycopodium Clavatum are few of the most common ones.
When a woman suffers from hypothyroidism, her menstrual cycle may come
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Menstrual problems often come along with thyroid issues. With hypothyroidism, a woman s menses may come too early and there may be too much bleeding as well. You may also feel more pain than usual in your pelvic area. Sepia Officinalis is a very effective medication in controlling the menstrual problems caused by hypothyroidism and can also effectively relieve menstrual pain as well.
If you have hyperthyroidism, you may feel unusual cravings for sweet foods.
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Hyperthyroidism may occur due to a deficiency in iodine which may be found in salty foods. Thus your craving for salty foods may go up immensely if you have an overactive thyroid gland. You may also feel irritable and depressed. Feeling hot from within is also another symptom. Natrum Muriaticum is one of the best homeopathic remedies in combatting this situation.
Which of the following is a lesser known symptom of hypothyroidism?
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While fatigue and slower metabolism are widely known as being associated with hypothyroidism, you may also experience several other lesser-known symptoms and sweating on the head is one of them. Calcarea Carbonica is one of the most effective homeopathic medications, which not only combat the symptom but also treat the underlying cause of the problem.
Grave s disease, a form of hyperthyroidism, will cause you to eat more than usual, but still lose weight.
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In Grave s disease, the thyroid gland tends to go into an overactive mode and thus cause metabolism to rise very quickly. You may feel an increased appetite but still continue to lose weight. You may also feel severe heart palpitations even with slight exertion. Lodum and Lycopus Virginicus are two of the best homeopathic medications to treat this problem.