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The factors that often triggers a thyroid problem or disorder include
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The thyroid gland located at the base of the neck (in front of the Adam's Apple) is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones, T3, T4, and TSH. Thyroid problem surfaces when there is an elevated production of thyroid hormones, a condition known as Hyperthyroidism. Certain factors can also trigger a decreased production (or no production) of thyroid hormones, referred to as Hypothyroidism. The thyroid problems if not managed and treated on time can lead to complications, especially in the case of pregnancy.
While hypothyroidism can affect people of all age groups, the condition can wreak havoc among infants, the symptoms of which include
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The worst part about hypothyroidism is that infants too have to bear the brunt. As hypothyroidism interferes with the ability of the liver to metabolize bilirubin, Jaundice is a common symptom. Other symptoms include a puffy face and increased choking. The tongue also appears large and protrudes outside. At a later stage, there may be complications such as constipation, poor development of the muscle (the muscle lacks tone). Left untreated, hypothyroidism can interfere with the physical as well as the mental growth and development of the infant.
One of the essential steps in managing hypothyroidism is to
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While treatment and medications are essential, a healthy diet can play a pivotal role in managing the condition of Hypothyroidism. Foods rich in Iodine (seafood, asparagus, eggs, garlic, spinach), omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, flaxseeds, walnuts), glutathione, and vitamin D are healthy options in the case of Hypothyroidism. Goitrogenic foods such as Brussels, kale, spinach, radish, to name a few, can affect the functioning of the thyroid gland and best left avoided or cooked well before eating.
Leading a relaxed and stress-free life can play a significant role in the management of Hypothyroidism.
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Stress is known to trigger an elevated production of Cortisol. Cortisol interferes with a host of metabolic activities within the body, including the functioning of the thyroid gland. As a result, there is a dip in the level of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4. The conversion of T4 to T3 may also be affected resulting in Hypothyroidism and related complications. The cortisol level can also interfere with the blood glucose level, which is known to influence the functioning of the thyroid gland.
Alcohol can have a deleterious effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.
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Regular and uncontrolled alcohol consumption interferes with the functioning and regulation of the thyroid gland and the thyroid hormones respectively. Alcohol often acts as a catalyst, slowing down the activity of the enzyme Type II 5 -Deiodinase (converts T4 to T3) giving rise to Hypothyroidism. Increased alcohol consumption can also inhibit and block the release and activity of TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone).