An abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland is known as goitre.
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Goitre is the non-specific term for the enlargement of the thyroid gland. It can be an indicator of thyroid dysfunction. However, nowadays goitre has become much less common as iodized salt is used everywhere.
Hyperthyrodism is more common than hypothyrodism.
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Hypothyrodism, or underactive thyroid, is much more common than hyperthyrodism. The most common cause of hypothyrodism is the failure of the thyroid to form. In adults, the most common cause of hypothyrodism is when the body's white the cells silently destroy the thyroid gland.
Where is the thyroid gland located?
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The precise location of the thyroid gland is below Adam's apple in the lower part of the neck. It wraps around the windpipe which gives it the shape of a butterfly. The two lobes of the gland are attached to one another by the middle portion known as the isthmus.
Which one of the following functions of the body is regulated by the thyroid gland?
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The thyroid gland produces hormones that help regulate the body's metabolism including growth and other functions of the body. It uses iodine to produce the required hormones. The thyroid gland is the only human tissue that actively absorbs and processes iodine from the diet, usually seafood and iodized salt.
Thyroid disorders are sometimes mistaken to be menopause symptoms.
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In some women, symptoms related to thyroid disorders maybe mistaken for those of menopause. Symptoms of hyperthyrodism like menstrual changes or lack of menstruation, mood swings, hot flashes and insomnia maybe mistaken for menopausal symptoms.