Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS), Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS), MBBS, Fellow of Academy of General Education (FAGE)
Orthopedic Doctor, Hyderabad
24 years experience
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Knee pain cannot be cured through painkillers
1 of 5
Every knee pain has a cause and also a cure. Firstly finding out the cause of pain and then offering a cure should be followed. Please reach out to your orthopaedic surgeon to find the cause. As for pain killers and anti-inflammatory medicines they help in reducing the acuteness of pain in the knees, but do not cure the problem. Once the effect of the medication wears off, the pain is likely to return. Therefore, finding and treating the cause is important.
Which of the following habits should you avoid if you suffer from chronic knee pain?
2 of 5
Those who have a smoking habit suffer from faster rates of cartilage degeneration in the knees. You have to quit smoking if you want to manage knee pain and treat the conditions related to it.
Knee stiffness that accompanies arthritis lasts the entire day
3 of 5
In most cases, stiffness in the knees and other joints occurs at the beginning of the day. This is generally known as 'morning stiffness' and tends to dissipate with activity and movement during the course of the day.
The more you rest, the faster you'll get relief from knee pain
4 of 5
Although you should avoid stressful physical activities if you have knee pain, staying at complete rest may further aggravate the problem. It is recommended that you engage in light to moderate activity to properly manage the problem.
Which condition is known to increase knee pain?
5 of 5
There is a close link between obesity and osteoarthritis. Being excessively overweight is sure to dampen the chances of recovering from both acute and chronic knee pain. So you've got to watch your weight to avoid this condition.