MS - Orthopaedics, MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Orthopedic Doctor, Ratlam
18 years experience
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Who can go for a total knee replacement surgery?
1 of 5
When the knee joint pain and stiffness keeps increasing, the daily motion and capacity to conduct activities is restricted to a large extent. Such people can discuss with the doctors about the risks and benefits of the surgery, and go ahead with the same.
Can you continue to take the regular medications that you are taking even before the surgery?
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When the surgery is planned, the surgeon evaluates the tissues and joints adjacent to the knee for optimal results. Also, the medical history is discussed. In case you are taking blood thinners or aspirin, you might have to discontinue them prior to surgery or they would be adjusted to suit the requirements of the surgery. This is usually done to prevent the risk of excessive bleeding during the surgery.
Is continuous passive motion (CPM) necessary after total knee replacement surgery?
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CPM is not required as patient can be mobilized on second day of surgery with the help of walker.
What is the recovery period after the total knee replacement surgery?
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One can return to daily activities in a short span of 6 weeks. For a few, it might take another couple of weeks. But the pain and swelling subside only after 6 months. Also, there are instructions given by the surgeon about things one shouldn t do during this period. Walking is an exercise that is permitted, while strenuous exercises and other cardio exercises should never be tried for at least 6 months.
How long does the knee replacement last?
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In 90 percent of the people, the replacement lasts for about 20 years. Very rarely, further surgery is required after 10 years.