Orthopedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
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Knock Knees in children are a cause for concern.
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Usually, Knock Knees do not cause any problems. In fact, a small distance between the ankles is normal. In early childhood, Knock Knees can actually help children maintain their balance, especially when they learn to take baby steps. They can balance themselves better in case one foot turns inward or moves outward. Usually, this gap comes down as children step into adolescence. However, if the gap between the ankles is large and it does not come down significantly during adolescence, it is a cause for concern. It may cause knee pain, abate arthritis and make walking difficult. The condition may not improve on its own. If it does not, the knees come under great strain. This increases the risk of arthritis and knee damage. It may also increase the risk of a limp.
What are the causes of knock knee?
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Usually, Knock Knees are considered to be a part of the normal growth of children. However, in case the child is 6 years old or older and has not got rid of the gap between the ankles, it may signify some kind of bone disease. The child may suffer from Rickets. Obesity too can contribute to such conditions. It is from this age that the problem may start manifesting through walking difficulty. Nevertheless, on rare occasions, the condition may be precipitated by an injury to the shin bone.
All children suffer from Knock Knees in early childhood.
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For a period of time, almost all children suffer from Knock Knees. However, by 7 years of age, the gap comes down to normal in about 99% of children. In cases that it doesn t, it could indicate Knock Knees condition.
What happens in Knock Knees?
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Knock Knee is also known as Genu Valgum. A person suffering from this disease has a large gap difference while standing with their knees together. People with Knock Knees have approximately 8 cm gaps in their ankles. This problem cannot cause severe disease. However, people with Knock Knee may experience pain in the future. In children with Knock Knees, there may be a number of dispositions. For some children, both knees lean inward equally. For some children, one knee may lean less than the other. In some other children, one knee may even be straight while the other bends towards it.