MD - Acupuncture, Diploma In Accupuncture, Advanced Diploma In Accupuncture
Acupuncturist, Delhi
19 years experience
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In What Way Can Acupuncture Deal With the Problem of Migraine?
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All the given options are correct. The treatment of Acupuncture helps in restoring the flow of positive energy throughout one s body, with the claim that it leads to the removal of negative energies, those which cause a severe headache in the form of a Migraine to occur. Moreover, Acupuncture, as part of the treatment, stimulates different kinds of systems present inside the body, hence triggering a healing response.
How Do Acupuncture Needles Help to Resolve Migraine?
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Acupuncture needles get inserted into different pressure points or nerves on one s body, as per the symptoms. Now the needle helps to stimulate the nerves to release hormones like endorphins, which trigger a response from one s body. Thus this immune along with the circulation system through acupuncture, is believed to provide relief from migraines.
Can Acupuncture Itself Can Treat Migraine?
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Acupuncture alone cannot always provide the necessary relief from the problem of Migraine. For getting rid of this issue completely, acupuncture should be assisted by pain relief medications as well.
How long should the treatment be carried on for?
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Practitioners tend to recommend that the ideal duration of acupuncture treatment for migraines is twice a week for two weeks, which should be followed by one treatment every week for eight weeks.
There is no need to undergo maintenance treatments of Acupuncture for Migraines
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The above statement is false as clinical study suggests that people must undergo maintenance treatments of Acupuncture for those affected by Migraines, at least once every month.