MD - Anaesthesiology, FIPM, MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Pain Management Specialist, Bhubaneswar
19 years experience
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People with migraine attacks that last for over 24 hours are likely to benefit from preventive medication.
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Preventive medicine for migraines is used for the reduction of severity, frequency, and stretch of a migraine. It may also boost the effectiveness of pain-relieving medications which are used for controlling migraine attacks. You may benefit from this type of medicine if you have more than four attacks in a month and in case the pain lasts for over a day. You may have to take these medicines for over a week to see significant improvement.
Anti-depressants can be used for relieving migraine attacks.
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People who are affected by a migraine may also benefit from Tricyclic antidepressants. This is because this class of drugs functions by reducing the levels of serotonin as well as other chemicals in the brain. Amitriptyline is the best class of medicine in this regard, but other drugs may also be used owing to their minor side effects. You should never take anti-depressants unless your doctor asks you since it can pave the way for a host of side-effects.
Botox treatment can worsen migraine attacks.
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OnabotulinumtoxinA which is a Botox can be helpful in the treatment of chronic migraines in adults. During this process, the Botox is injected into the muscles of the neck and forehead. Once the procedure has been proven to be effective, it can be repeated once in 4 months to keep migraine attacks at bay. You should also practice muscle relaxation techniques to reduce migraine pains.
Which of these can help in understanding whether you have a migraine?
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A migraine is characterized by a severe pain in the head which sometimes becomes unbearable and may also leave the person unable to take part in day-to-day activities. A person who suffers from a migraine or a family history of migraines is required to consult with an expert who can diagnose the symptoms and examine the past health record to carve out a suitable pain management plan. Your doctor may also order blood tests to find out whether they are indicative of blood vessel issues or spinal cord problems. You should never think of ignoring the diagnostic tests prescribed by your doctor since it helps in determining whether your headache is caused by a migraine.
Which of these classes of medications can help in relieving the pain caused by a migraine?
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There are numerous types of medicines which can help one to get rid of the signs and symptoms of a migraine. For instance, pain relievers such as ibuprofen and aspirin can help in reducing mild pains while Triptans can cause constriction of blood vessels which, in turn, block the pathways of the brain. On the other hand, Ergots are available in combination with caffeine and are highly effective in reducing pain that is there for more than two days. Each of these medications has its side effects, and therefore, it is essential to consult an expert before taking them.