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Migraine - How Homeopathy Can Help Treat It?

BHMS, Diploma In Nutrition & Health Education (DNHE), CNCC
Homeopathy Doctor, Bhopal  •  19 years experience
Migraine - How Homeopathy Can Help Treat It?
Migraine can be cured by treating it with homeopathy.
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Migraine - How Homeopathy Can Help Treat It?
Hemicrania and Migraine are the same.
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Migraine - How Homeopathy Can Help Treat It?
Natrum Carbonicum is used to treat migraine caused by:
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Migraine - How Homeopathy Can Help Treat It?
Which of the following homeopathic medicine is used to treat migraine with nausea?
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Migraine - How Homeopathy Can Help Treat It?
Migraine and headaches are the same.
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