Orthopedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
21 years experience
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Both Achilles Tendinitis and Plantar Fasciitis are the results of repetitive stress and pounding and not the outcome of a single incident.
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Heel pain is probably the most common type of foot problem. There are two types of heel pain: Plantar Fasciitis, where the pain is felt under the heel and Achilles Tendinitis where one experiences pain behind the heel area. Heel pain is never triggered all of a sudden, but is a result of overdoing strenuous activities, excessive weight gain, regularly standing for long hours, and wearing unsupportive footwear, which also happens to be its primary cause. Opting for immediate medical attention while reducing strenuous activities, performing feet exercises and applying an ice pack are ideal ways of dealing with heel pain.
Which of these are the most common foot problems?
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When it comes to painful foot problems, there's nothing more universal than heel spurs, calluses, blisters, corns, ingrown toenails, and bunions. Be it the formation of a bulging bump in the toe or a bunion to the fluid-filled welts or blisters, soft feet becoming rough and flaky, formations of an extra bone or heel spur are regular foot issues faced by people. Consult with an orthopaedic right away in case you experience pain or difficulty in walking due to any of the above-mentioned foot problems.
Cutting toenails too short is the best way of preventing the risk of developing ingrown toenails.
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Ingrown toenails occur when the growing nails get embedded in the skin on the sides and cause severe pain. The best way to prevent this from happening is never to cut the toenails too short and follow the outline of the toe. Look for immediate medical attention if there s too much swelling or nail infection. Cutting your nails too short and wearing poorly fitted shoes must be avoided to prevent developing ingrown toenails.
Which of these are standard tips to help deal with foot problems?
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To keep your feet healthy and free from common foot problems, it s necessary that you wear right fitting shoes, which are neither too tight nor too loose. Additionally, regularly exercising your feet and taking care of any possible injuries by applying hot or cold compress can also be extremely helpful. Talk to a doctor before trying any particular feet exercise as wrongly doing it could end up increasing the pain.
Turf toes and ankle sprains are foot problems commonly suffered by athletes or sportspersons.
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Turf toe occurs when the big toe starts bending beyond its range of standard motion while ankle sprains arise as a result of misjudged stepping where the ankle joints get twisted. It is mainly athletes who develop these problems due to the intricate footsteps they have to use. Preventing the toe from bending and giving rest to the ankle until the pain subsides are crucial for medically treating turf toes and ankle sprains.