Pain Management Specialist, Mumbai
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Your bra may be behind the chronic neck pain you are experiencing.
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The correlation between large breasts or wrong bra size and back pain has been known for a long time. However, it has recently been proven that the wrong bra size, more than the size of the breasts, can actually cause neck pain. If your breasts are not well supported or you are wearing a bra, which is larger or smaller than your required size, for prolonged periods, you can develop neck pain. Thus it is important that you find your correct size and ensure that you are well supported.
Which amongst the following is the best home remedy if you are suffering from neck pain?
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When you are suffering from neck pain, it is best to avoid exercise because that could aggravate the inflammation. Thus, hot water bag treatments will not be helpful for the same reason. Massage may give temporary relief but will not help reduce the inflammation. The best treatment option in such a case is to use ice packs and get ample rest until you can get moving again.
The best way to counter neck pain is to change your routine and movement techniques completely and immediately.
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Doctors would advise changing your movements, exercises and daily routines slightly, so as to adjust your lifestyle and reduce the causes of back pain. It is not advisable to suddenly change your routine, the types of exercises you perform and your daily routine, to improve your neck pain. Even if you have recovered from neck pain temporarily, sudden changes in routine could bring it back or worsen it. It is advisable that you change to a healthy posture and exercising routine slowly, to allow your body to adjust to it as well.
Which of the following is the major cause of neck pain among working women?
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Shoulder bags which are used to carry around stationary and a lot of non-essential items have a tendency to become heavier through the days, as more and more stuff gets accumulated within them. These can become deceptively heavy and has been seen to affect the gait and postures of women by stressing the shoulder they tend to use it the most on. It is advisable that you lessen the load you carry in your shoulder bag and change sides frequently to avoid and alleviate neck pain.
Once you find a proper posture, practice holding it over prolonged periods to minimize neck pain.
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Although practicing a good posture may result in lessening various other back and spinal problems, holding it too long also isn t a good call. Most doctors advice that it is not a good idea to hold one posture for too long even if it is a correct and proper posture; the idea is to change correct postures frequently.