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Is there a cure for cervical pain? If so, what are they?

MBBS, MS - Orthopaedics, Hand Surgery Fellowship
Orthopedic Doctor, Delhi  •  34 years experience
Is there a cure for cervical pain? If so, what are they?
Which of these can be the best ways of treating cervical pain?
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Is there a cure for cervical pain? If so, what are they?
Which of these home treatment options can assist in relieving the cervical pain?
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Is there a cure for cervical pain? If so, what are they?
Sudden onset of a tingling sensation or numbness in the neck, shoulder or legs or arms means you need to visit a doctor a right away.
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Is there a cure for cervical pain? If so, what are they?
Cervical pain cannot be cured completely, but the necessary measures to relieve the pain can be indeed taken.
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Is there a cure for cervical pain? If so, what are they?
Opting for a surgical solution is a prevalent way of dealing with cervical pain.
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