Periods may possibly be the best time for high-intensity interval training.
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When a woman starts menstruating, the progesterone and oestrogen level drops, because of which the carbohydrate and glycogen in the body can be broken down quite easily. Generally, this time witnesses a slower breakdown of fat. This temporary hormonal shift allows you to achieve more from short and fast paced workouts than it would in the other days of the month.
You should not opt for swimming during your periods.
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Be assured that there will be no physical harm if you go swimming while you are on your periods. Swimming can actually help you to get rid of the erratic back pain that you experience on the days of menstruating. Moreover, the weightlessness of the water will allow you to exercise more comfortably. Just make sure that you use a tampon or a menstrual cup and wear a swimsuit with fitted bottoms.
It is not safe to exercise on the first day of your period.
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There is no real reason as to why you should not work out on the first day of your period. It all depends on how you personally feel on that day. In fact, working out can ease the menstrual cramps which seem to be possibly the worst on the first day. It also helps to reduce the PMS symptoms that bother you on these days. Just be careful not to push yourself very hard and avoid heavy weight lifting.
Which of the following exercises should be avoided during your menstrual cycle?
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Inverted yoga poses, which literally can translate to poses where you are standing on your head (shoulder stands, head stands, plough pose), should be avoided during your periods. If you are standing on your head, the blood vessels in your uterus will get engorged. This will result in more bleeding and you will experience more cramps.
Strenuous physical activity can sometimes be the cause for:
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Amenorrhea refers to the condition wherein a woman who is in her reproductive years has issues in her menstrual cycle. Secondary amenorrhea is when there is an absence of the monthly menstruation for a minimum of 6 months, after a woman has had her normal periods. When you go for intense workouts and have a low body weight, your body will believe it is in the starvation state . It will shut down the organ systems that are not essential for survival. This will result in the discontinuation of your monthly periods.