Dietitian/Nutritionist, Jaipur
14 years experience
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Red meat is bad for your period cramps.
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On the contrary red meat is full of iron. Therefore, it is very beneficial for women on their periods as they lose a lot of iron from their body as a result of heavy flow. Red meat works as a legitimate substitute of the lost iron. Lentils, spinach, and beans are vegetables rich in iron. So there are many options for the vegetarians too.
Consuming probiotic yogurt can help ease period cramps.
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Probiotic yogurt contains benevolent bacteria that encourage proper digestion. It is also rich in calcium. Therefore, it works as a natural pain reliever. It also works to alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
Which of these dairy products should you consume during your periods?
3 of 5
Buttermilk works like a boon to menstruating women, owing to its cooling effect. Women who are on their periods must have buttermilk because it also induces better digestion.
Which of the following foods should be avoided during periods?
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Refined grains like pizza, bread, and, cereals, should be avoided during periods because they cause constipation and bloating. They also have high glycemic index which causes the body to absorb glucose more easily, thereby accelerating the craving for food. Menstruating women instead can have more fruits during their period. Pears are considered as super fruits because they have low glycemic rate and they keep one full for a prolonged period of time.
Chocolate aggravates period cramps.
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Consumption of dark chocolate is equal to the release of bouts of endorphins in your brain which produces a calming effect, thereby relieving abdominal cramps associated with periods. However, you must avoid sweetened chocolate as it can worsen your symptoms.