FRCOG (London) (Fellow Of Royal College Of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists), Certificate Of Completion Of Training (CCT) - Nephrology, MD - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology, MD - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology, DNB, MBBS
IVF Specialist, Chennai
31 years experience
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Which of these is the most common sign of PMS?
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Premenstrual syndrome or PMS is a common issue that affects most women of child-bearing age. Some women start feeling mood swings right from the day before menstruation is about to begin. It leads to a roller coaster of emotions bringing about stress, anxiety, anger, and irritability. In some women, PMS causes a host of mental issues which are debilitating and may affect the normal workflow. Consult your gynecologist to treat PMS with medicines and lifestyle changes, so that you can cope better with the issues stemming from it.
Which of these options are the most effective means of dealing with PMS?
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Even though researchers are not sure why PMS happens, it is believed to stem from rising and fall of certain hormones, particularly estrogen. Estrogen level starts to surge gradually once the period ends and then rise to a peak about two weeks later. Then again it drops, and the cycle continues before the start of menstruation. You should try to stay away from stressful situations to help ease the PMS conditions.
Exercising can help you ward off PMS symptoms.
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Physical activity is known for uplifting mood and helping with depression. It is thought that endorphins which make you feel healthy and happy are released when you exercise, and it can also aid you to counter the emotional changes that may take a toll on your daily life. It can boost energy levels and aid in alleviating cramps and bloating as well. It is good to go for running, swimming or aerobic exercises.
Calcium is detrimental for people suffering from PMS.
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When your daily food is not able to provide enough calcium, you may consider taking calcium supplements. In a clinical trial, it was found that women who had supplemented their diet with 500 mg of calcium twice every day found that they have significantly less depression and fatigue compared to others. Getting enough calcium can also aid you to cope up with mood changes. Drink milk and have other dairy products to reach the recommended daily intake of calcium.
Stress management is essential in coping up with PMS.
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Stress can make PMS worse, and therefore you should look for means to cope up with stress and anxiety. You may opt for relaxation techniques such as Yoga and meditation along with deep breathing techniques as they are all beneficial against stress and PMS for women who have severe mood swings and even depression. Caffeine and sweet products are harmful while suffering from PMS and you should stop taking them two weeks before your period begins. Talk to your doctor if you need to take any particular medications to combat frequent mood changes caused by PMS.