MD - Psychiatry, MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Psychiatrist, Vijayawada
19 years experience
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Don t question your beliefs too much as this will increase fear.
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When you are fearful, sticking to old beliefs or notions may actually further perpetuate the problem. You shouldn t hold any beliefs about your situation as an absolute. The moment you question your beliefs, it will result in a proper analysis of where your fear is coming from. This will help create a gap between the fear you are experiencing and the thoughts that are driving you towards them. It will result in the grip of fear being loosened and you starting to look at things in a completely different light.
When you fear being in a hostile world you tend to become
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Fear manifests in people in many forms. One of the more common ones is where they think the world is out to get them. In such cases they may end up trying to sort everything they are connected with, resulting in control issues. Many control freaks have this common tendency to try and micromanage everything which further pushes up the stress levels. In such cases, it is important to build up trust through mental exercises and let go. The illusion of control will only make things worse and letting go of things you cannot influence will lessen your fear and make your life much better.
Workaholism or being immersed in work is a great way to control fear in your life.
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In fact, workaholism is one of the symptoms of fear controlling your life. If you are afraid of facing your feelings or facing certain situations, you will immerse yourself in work and try to bury those emotions deep down. However, this is a way of escaping reality and will only let fear grow on you further. It is thus important to slow down, relax and take time for yourself. You will need to face the fear to overcome them and taking time for yourself is one of the first steps in doing so.
Which amongst the following is one of the best weapons to use against fear?
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Whenever you feel fear, it is mostly a combination of a fear of loss, not having or not being able to achieve. The combination of these three things can be paralyzing and can make your life very difficult. However, the key to letting go is to be able to show gratitude for what you have. This may seem very difficult at times, but gratitude will keep you grounded and make you focus on what you have rather than what you don t have. This mindset will actually help lessen fear and also result in working more efficiently so you can achieve more.
Changing your eating habits and diet can help reduce fear.
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When you are fearful, you tend to go into a vicious cycle and get dependent on those habits. Bad diet is also one of them. When you are fearful, bad diets such as foods high in fat and processed sugar tend to take over. You should try to change your diet as breaking the food habit will help break the cycle of fear associated with it as well. Include lots of healthy vegetables and fruits and organic items and cut out on processed and fast foods from your diet completely. This along with mental exercises will definitely help you conquer your fear.