You should take a break from wearing nail polish as your nails need to breathe
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Once the nail grows out past the cuticle, it is composed entirely out of dead cells. Nails get no oxygen from the air or topically, only via the bloodstream, thus, making it unnecessary for letting them 'breathe'.
Stress can affect your nail health
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Stress may not only induce nail biting and tearing, it may also inhibit nail growth. Stress and fatigue cause the body's energy to divert from providing the required nutrition to your hair and nails..
Which of these foods can promote nail growth?
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Nails are made up of hard protein known as keratin, hence making it important for one to maintain a protein rich diet. Eggs, meat, dairy and soy products are rich in proteins. Other nutrients needed for maintaining good nail health include zinc, iron and magnesium among others
Which of these can cause yellow nails?
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Nails can acquire a light or dark yellow tinge in case of fungal infections, psoriasis, excessive smoking or sometimes even through a dark pigmented nail polish. Change in nail color is often the indication of an underlying health problem.
Calcium helps nails to grow stronger
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Contrary to popular belief, only minuscule amount of calcium is present in your nails and hence, increasing your daily intake of calcium and calcium containing products are unlikely to help strengthen them.