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Relaxation Therapy - Does It Help Relieve Stress?

B.Sc., D.S.M.S., M.D.,(Acu) D.T.M., D.Varma,C.H.M.,, CHM, M.D., (Acu)
Alternative Medicine Specialist, Madurai  •  17 years experience
Relaxation Therapy - Does It Help Relieve Stress?
You can start meditating anytime you feel like
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Relaxation Therapy - Does It Help Relieve Stress?
What does relaxation actually mean?
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Relaxation Therapy - Does It Help Relieve Stress?
The relaxation methods differ from one person to another
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Relaxation Therapy - Does It Help Relieve Stress?
Which of these is an indication that the natural relaxation response is activated?
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Relaxation Therapy - Does It Help Relieve Stress?
Relaxation methods and meditation therapies offer holistic benefits to the mind and body
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