MSc - Psychotherapy & Counselling, PGD-PPHC, BASLP, Ph.D in PSYCHOTHERAPY and Counseling
Psychologist, Yamunanagar
28 years experience
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It is impossible for a person to come out of anxiety disorder.
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Connecting face to face with someone close as much as possible, learning to calm oneself and moving quickly and exercising are some of the best ways in which one can cope up with anxiety. The biggest mistake that one does is believing that worries and tension protect from making mistakes. The truth is that too much worries confines a person and stops him from taking needful decisions and steps. Learning various types of relaxation techniques and practicing them on a regular basis is the best way to steer clear of anxiety, worries, and fears.
Which of these are the symptoms of being anxious?
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Anxiety can have both psychological as well as physical symptoms, and there are numerous ways in which the body showcases its concern. Most people feel edgy and are not able to concentrate and have difficulty in sleeping which makes the situation even worse. The body releases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline which in turn leads to physical symptoms of anxiety. Try to relax while breathing in and breathing out and see if it soothes you to a certain degree.
About 90 percent of people affected with GAD have sleeping problems
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People affected with anxiety do not stop feeling worried at any point in time. The moment a problem is solved, their mind becomes occupied with a new fear. This, in turn, takes a toll on their sleeping habits, and therefore the majority of anxiety sufferers have sleep problems. If you have sleep problems, it is recommended to get comprehensive treatment to ease out the condition.
Which of these conditions can trigger anxiety?
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Anxiety, more commonly referred to as generalized anxiety disorder or GAD is a condition in which the affected individual worries excessively about all daily things. For instance, if a family member is arriving lately at home, the other person would be overwhelmed with tension thinking that he has met an accident or something disastrous. Once the symptoms of GAD become visible, it is crucial to seek medical attention.
Generalised anxiety disorder can be diagnosed and completely treated.
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There are effective forms of treatment for generalized anxiety disorder such as cognitive behavioural therapy which helps in accepting challenges. This in turn aids in avoiding unworthy patterns of thoughts that trigger the symptoms of anxiety or keep them going. There are many people around you who may be going through similar conditions. Seek medical assistance today in place of feeling embarrassed about the condition.