BA - Psychology, MA - Psychology, PG Diploma In Counseling & Behavious Modification
Psychologist, Mohali
18 years experience
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What are the symptoms of PTSD?
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The above symptoms can help identify if a person who has been through a traumatic event is actually experiencing a PTSD. Especially if the person is fragile and sensitive, it is important to watch for these symptoms so that a full-fledged depression can be averted with timely help. It is advisable that a sensitive person not be left alone after a traumatic event. Keeping company can help in the development of PTSD, without being too intrusive. Offering emotional support can help in averting the development of depression.
PTSD passes away with time.
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Posttraumatic stress disorder is not something which can just be ignored and expected to pass off with time. Left unattended, it can grow in severity and even induce suicidal thoughts in a person. So, the initial symptoms of withdrawal and isolation and loss of concentration should be attended to by offering a lot of emotional and social support. Seeking professional counseling for a person who is likely to be depressed can help onset of PTSD and also control symptoms.
Any traumatic event can lead to PTSD.
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Whether or not a person develops PTSD depends on both the severity of the event and the ability of the person to tolerate stress. Fragile people could develop PTSD for many severe events than more emotionally strong people. That is not to undermine either the person or the response to the event. It is just a person s way of reacting to an event and how it affected them. Most traumatic events leave an emotional impact, especially being a part of the war, losing a loved family member, etc. However, it is not necessary that all of these will lead to PTSD.
Which of these can trigger PTSD?
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A person can experience PTSD which is post-traumatic stress disorder after any stressful and/or traumatic event. It depends on the severity of the incident as well as the person s ability to tolerate stress. It could be something as minimal as going into a shell once in a while to being in a constant depressed state. It is imperative to understand that while the past does have a strong influence on our lives, we should not use it to dictate the future. A bad event in the past does not mean a bad future too. Get professional help and develop a close circle to help overcome the feelings.
PTSD is only seen in adults.
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PTSD is not just a problem that is seen in adults, though it is more common in adults. It could be seen in children as young as six and is becoming more popular in teenagers. Children refusing to leave their parent's side, not sleeping without parents, representing concerns through stories and drawings, are some common manifestations. Getting the child to talk to, which is not easy, especially in the teenage years, is highly advisable in managing this. Do not ignore that PTSD is not something which is not seen in children. Children as young as 6 years could be affected by PTSD, and so deviation in symptoms should be watched for.