MD - Anaesthesiology, DNB, MBBS, Diploma In Aesthetic Medicine
Pain Management Specialist, Amritsar
39 years experience
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Which part of the spine is affected during the slipped disc?
1 of 5
The fibrous cartilage material inside the spine gets broken down in case of a herniated disc. This is a common problem in aged people. This is because the discs in the spine lose their water content over time and tend to break easily. Lifting heavy weights improperly can also cause such a tear in the discs. The lumbar spine region has the greatest risk of getting affected.
Which of the following is a remedy for slipped disc?
2 of 5
In case of a herniated disc, simple remedies such as physiotherapy and anti-inflammatory medicine are usually prescribed. Along with rest, these forms of treatment generally reduce the discomfort and pain associated with the slipped disc. In rare cases, surgery may be considered if other treatment methods prove to be ineffective.
Which portion of the spine is known as the lumbar region?
3 of 5
The bones of the spine located between the end of the rib cage and the pelvis collectively form the lumbar region of the spine. It consists of 5 bones which are crucial for supporting the body weight. It also facilitates movement. However, the lumbar spine is also the most likely to suffer a dislocation.
Which procedure is used to rectify a dislocated vertebrae?
4 of 5
All orthopaedic surgery can be categorized into two parts, namely, open reduction and closed reduction. Closed reduction is the procedure where the dislocation is treated without surgery. In the open reduction, an invasive procedure is followed to rectify the dislocation in the spine.
Which of these is a risk factor for slipped disc?
5 of 5
A number of factors may increase the risk of a slipped disc. Being overweight is one of the primary risk factors, as it puts a great amount of pressure on the lower back. Similarly, some people are prone to the condition due to a genetic predisposition as well.