Master of Physiotherapy, Bachelor in Physiotherapy
Physiotherapist, Sivasagar
16 years experience
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In some individuals, the body pain may be brought about by
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The body pain, be it musculoskeletal or joint can be an outcome of a myriad of conditions. Research suggests that in individuals with severe stress, the immune system fails to shield the body from inflammation and infection effectively. As a result, there is an elevated level of inflammations throughout the body triggering pain and aches. People with sleeping disorders or insomnia are also known to experience body pain often.
Body ache along with fever and weakness is a common symptom of
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An infection triggered by the Epstein-Barr virus, Mononucleosis is often associated with extreme fatigue and body pain. There is also fever with the swelling of the tonsils. The body pain also surfaces as a symptom associated with pneumonia, cold and body flu. Individuals with rheumatoid arthritis often complain of musculoskeletal and joint pain along with swelling of the joints. Fibromyalgia is often synonymous with muscular pain and stiffness.
To alleviate the body pain, one can opt for
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While there are a lot of treatment options (such as medicines, surgery) available, physiotherapy goes a long way to ease the body pain. It is also essential to maintain a healthy body weight as obese people are more likely to suffer from lower back pain which may aggravate without weight management. Unless you are 100% confident, always seek expert professional help for physiotherapy. A small mistake on your end can result in severe and irreversible body damages.
Dietary modifications seldom help in pain reduction and management
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While medical assistance and care are essential, dietary modifications also play a pivotal role in alleviating the pain and the discomfort. Consumption of caffeinated beverages, especially coffee (in moderation) work wonders to reduce the pain, especially those triggered by a muscle pull or an injury. Forget painkillers, Salmon laden with Omega-3 fatty acids comes as a blessing for people struggling with body pain.
Regular use of the wonder herbs such as turmeric, ginger, and garlic comes as a much-needed relief for people struggling with body pain. Answer -
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Known for their antifungal, anti-inflammatory and a plethora of other therapeutic properties, turmeric, ginger, and garlic are widely used for reducing the body pain. People with Rheumatoid arthritis and similar conditions resulting in joint pain can pound raw turmeric and apply the paste to the affected joint and keep it covered for maximum benefits. Alternately, one can also use the herbs in their food. The consumption of ginger powder or ginger tea is also known to produce fruitful results. From ear pain to Osteoarthritis, the use of garlic (rich in the flavonoid quercetin) can alleviate the pain and inflammation considerably.