Clinical Fellowship In Pain Management, MD - Internal Medicine, Master Of Public Health (MPH), MBBS
Pain Management Specialist, Hyderabad
27 years experience
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Which among these is not a shoulder stretching exercise?
1 of 5
Pendulum stretch helps in the strengthening of shoulders. This exercise should be done with the support of a railing or table. Towel stretch is done by placing the towel on the back of the hand while ensuring both the hands are used to stretch the towel from the back. Cross-body stretch is again a shoulder stretching exercise that can be done while sitting or standing. All exercises related to the shoulder should be performed under the proper guidance of a physiotherapist.
An armpit stretch is done to improve the strength of the affected shoulder
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An armpit stretch exercise is easy to perform and greatly aids faster recovery. It requires both the hands to be placed on top of a raised table and then slowly stretch the knee while stretching the armpit followed by straightening it. This exercise should be done only be done once a day and not more than 10-20 sets.
Which among the following is a stage of frozen shoulder?
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Frozen shoulder has 3 stages- freezing, frozen and thawing. The first stage involves pain along with the loss of range of motion. This is also known as the RED phase. The second stage witnesses a loss of pain with little loss in the range of motion, this stage is known as the pink phase. Known as the white phase, the third stage involves the gradual return of range of motion. Each step can last around 6-8 months when the condition goes untreated. Surgery might be necessary for a permanent cure.
An outward or inward rotation exercise should only be performed once the range of motion improves:
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Rotational exercises should only be performed once the shoulder starts to heal and the soft tissue starts stretching. Rotation exercises should be performed with the help of an exercise rubber band. Each exercise should be done in a set of 5 in 3 cycles for not more than 5-10 minutes. It should be performed only once in a day. Inward rotation exercise can be done with the affected hand to ensure a quick recovery.
Which among the following is the first step of physiotherapy towards a permanent cure?
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Prior heating of the joint has been found to be aiding mobilization and relaxation. Heat modality techniques have been effectively used to facilitate recovery. Apart from deep heating, ultrasound has been found extremely effective in increasing the excitability of the contracted tissue. This is therefore performed for relaxation. Relaxation techniques should only be performed by qualified and well-trained physiotherapists to avoid any mishaps.