MA Clinical Psychology, Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), Diploma in Hypnotherapy, Diploma in Naturopathy & Yogic Science (DNYS), Certificate in Naturopathy & Yoga
Psychologist, Nagpur
13 years experience
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Your newborn infant can be the reason behind your depression.
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Having a baby is one of the most joyful occasions in one s life. But it can also make a mother feel a barrage of other emotions like sadness, fear and anxiety. If the feelings of sadness become very severe, they can disrupt normal life. In such situations, the person must reach out to a psychotherapist. This kind of depression after having a baby is commonly known as postpartum depression.
Which of the following hormones is released in the mother on coming in close contact with the baby?
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Oxytocin is known as cuddle hormone or love hormone. It is released when we hug or come close to someone we love. Coming in close contact with your baby and cuddling it makes you feel happier. You become sensitive to its feelings and you understand the small cues that your baby gives. The ways in which you can strengthen your bond with your baby are skin-to-skin contact, baby massage, and singing to it.
Baby blues and postpartum depression are usually the same.
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Baby blues usually cause periods of crying, emotional distress, mood instability, lack of concentration and depressed mood. But these mood disorders last only for about 2 weeks and not more than that. Baby blues do not need any treatment whereas postpartum depression can be tackled only with treatment. Postpartum depression occurs when the negative and sad emotions persist for more than two weeks. The disorder usually occurs in the initial 2-3 months post childbirth.
Which one of the following foods helps manage postpartum depression in mothers post delivery?
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Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, herring etc. are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It is usually recommended by your gynaecologist to have such fish or omega-3 supplements from before pregnancy as a part of maintaining a proper pregnancy regimen. It helps lower the risk of postpartum depression if taken during pregnancy and can also be an effective alternative treatment for postpartum depression.
It is not at all advised to take anti-depressants while breastfeeding.
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If postpartum depression occurs, it usually does not resolve on its own. Self- help, psychotherapy and medications are necessary to manage postpartum depression. So, anti-depressants are usually prescribed to the ailing mother. The amount of drugs ingested by the baby through breast milk is negligible. Hence, anti-depressants like serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants and other drugs can be safely prescribed for affected mothers.