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Yoga and Good Health

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS), PG Dip Panchakarma, PG Dip Ksharsutra For Piles, Pilonidal, Sinus & Fistula Management, Post Graduate Diploma In Hospital Administration (PGDHA), Certificate In Diabetes Update
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navi Mumbai  •  27 years experience
Yoga and Good Health
You must be flexible and agile in order to practice yoga.
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Yoga and Good Health
Yoga is a practice that only women follow.
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Yoga and Good Health
Which of the following is not a health benefit of yoga?
3 of 5
Yoga and Good Health
Which of the following is not one of the eight branches of the yoga sutra?
4 of 5
Yoga and Good Health
Pregnant women can practice yoga safely.
5 of 5

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