Pranayama is the practice of breathing control in yoga
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Pranayama is the breathing control exercise. It is the process by which we understand the secret of prana and manipulate it and one can hardly attain any spiritual progress without practicing pranayama.
Om is what we chant at the beginning and at the end of the yoga session. True False
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Om is a mantra that is chanted both before and after the yoga session, as it is considered to have very high spiritual and creative power. It is a sound as well as a symbol which is rich and deep in meaning when pronounced correctly as A.U.M.
What is the exact number of chakras present in the body?
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Our body has seven chakras and they are located in a straight line from crown to base of spine at the tailbone area.
Yoga can help control lifestyle diseases such as diabetes.
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Regular yoga practice can help reduce the level of sugar in the blood, along with lowering blood pressure, keeping a weight check, reducing the symptoms and slowing the rate of progression of diabetes, as well as lessening the severity of further complications.
Which of the following asanas is known as the combination of asanas
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Surya Namaskar is considered to be a complete exercise for the body and has often been cited as a combination of Asanas that helps in stretching almost all the major muscles. It is a combination of 7 different asanas and is beneficial for weight loss.