MD - General Medicine, MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Diabetologist, Ahmedabad
18 years experience
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How is diabetes which shows itself for the first time during pregnancy called?
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Gestational diabetes is that kind of diabetes which occurs to a woman during her gestation period and usually ends after giving birth to the newborn. It is usually reported in the second half of the gestation period but not all women suffer from this. Only 1 in 50 pregnancy cases a woman seems to have gestational diabetes. Keep a regular check of your blood sugar level during pregnancy and report to a doctor the moment you see it rising.
What are the risk factors of developing diabetes during pregnancy?
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If a close family member or a relative has had diabetes then you may get it during pregnancy. Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) have greater risk towards miscarriages and developing the gestational diabetes. Being overweight is another risk posing factor especially if the body mass index of the woman is more than 30. Eat healthy and do regular exercise under the doctor s advice to avoid the risk of developing diabetes.
Diabetes during pregnancy can lead to polyhydramnios.
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The space between the growing fetus and the amniotic membrane is filled with a fluid called amniotic fluid. Diabetes which shows itself during pregnancy, known as gestational diabetes, can lead to an increase in the amniotic fluid in the womb. This increase in the amniotic fluid can lead to a premature delivery and many other problems during parturition. The condition in which the amniotic fluid increases is called polyhydramnios and it is caused by diabetes. Keep your blood sugar under control with the help of a balanced diet and avoid the risk of polyhydramnios.
Diabetes during pregnancy can lead to type 1 diabetes in later life.
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Diabetes during pregnancy usually doesn t stay after parturition but in the long run it can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes. This happens because of the development of insulin resistance in the mother s body during gestation period because of gestational diabetes. Not only this but also the child will have a risk of developing type 2 diabetes in its later life. Go to a nutritionist and set your diet straight and lose some weight to get yourself onto the track of a healthier lifestyle.
High-fiber foods will reduce your risk of diabetes during pregnancy.
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Maintaining a steady level of your blood sugar is very important during pregnancy. For that high-fiber foods play a very important role as they stabilize the sugar in your blood. Research has proven that women who take up more amount of fiber daily have lower risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy. Increasing fiber intake by 10% can reduce your risk by 26%. Whole grains and leafy vegetables are the key to increase fiber-content in your diet.