MD - Diabetology, Post Graduate Diploma in Diabetese management (PGDDM)
Diabetologist, Siwan
8 years experience
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Regular exercise is crucial to diabetes management
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Diabetes is closely linked to hypertension and obesity. Thus regular exercise can help control the blood sugar fluctuations and also help patients manage their weight. It also helps reduce the amount of glucose in the person s blood as muscles use glucose without insulin while exercising. In cases of insulin resistance, exercising can also help your body use glucose more effectively and hence reduce insulin resistance. In addition, it also helps lower blood pressure, cholesterol and risks of heart disease while strengthening your bones, producing more energy, improving mood swings and managing stress more effectively.
Diabetics need to check their blood sugar
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Self-testing blood sugar levels is an important tool in managing diabetes. The exact number of times you need to check your blood sugar varies from person to person but for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, doctors typically advise patients to check their sugar levels a minimum or 3-4 times a day. For type 2 diabetes patients this is usually recommended before meals and before sleeping. Patients with type 1 diabetes may be additionally required to check their blood sugar levels before and after exercising as well.
Surgery can help control diabetes
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Many type 2 diabetes patients are obese. In such cases, surgery may be helpful in regulating blood sugar levels and weight reduction. These types of weight loss surgery include bariatric surgery, gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, Biliopancreatic diversion and implanting an adjustable gastric band. To be a good candidate for such surgery, a patient should have a BMI higher than 35 and find it difficult to lose weight despite diet changes and exercise.
Diabetes can be cured with medication
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Diabetes cannot be cured but it can be controlled with medication. When it comes to medication for diabetes, there is no one size fits all approach. The ideal medication depends on the patient s blood sugar levels, the frequency of fluctuations and other health problems that may be associated with it. In most cases, a combination of different medicines is required to treat diabetes. This medication can be in the form of tablets or injectables. Possible treatment includes Insulin therapy, Metformin, Sulfonylureas, DPP-4 inhibitors and GLP-1 receptor agonists.
The ideal diet for diabetics should be centred on
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There is no specific diet for diabetics but controlling your intake of sugar and having a high fibre diet can help keep blood sugar from fluctuating. It is also good to lower your intake of meats, carbohydrates and instead focus on low glycemic index foods. Glycemic index refers to how quickly the food causes an increase in blood sugar levels. It is also better for diabetics to have small meals at frequent intervals instead of large, heavy meals with large gaps between them.