Surgical treatment is not the only way to get obesity cured.
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Surgical treatment like Bariatric surgery is considered to be the fastest way of removing some unwanted fat from your body and achieve a permanent solution to obesity. However, remember, it is not the only way. Sometimes, a strict diet with lots of regular exercises too can help in getting rid of obesity along with keeping the heart well and healthy. Consulting with your doctor is the best way to determine the right procedure for you to shed some extra pounds.
Which of these factors can make obesity a reason behind serious heart diseases?
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Studies have shown obesity to be one of the many major reasons behind developing coronary heart diseases. Obesity causes a high blood pressure, a considerable level of raise in the blood cholesterol level and exposure to developing type 2 diabetes. All these risk factors posing a threat to the heart, naturally makes obesity one of the main culprits behind heart diseases. Even if you don t have any of these health issues, marinating a right BMI level makes one an owner of good health.
Having a control over your body mass index can help in reducing risks of heart diseases.
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When the body mass index reaches the level 30 or more than that, a person is considered to be obese. It not only increases the level of blood pressure but also works towards developing serious heart diseases, leading to heart failure. But, if you can keep your BMI in check, the risks of developing heart diseases stay at bay and the normal life expectancy doesn t get shortened. You can measure your BMI at home or visit a doctor to have the right calculations.
Which of these can help in maintaining a healthy BMI, therefore reducing risks of heart disease?
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When you are able to maintain a BMI that does not make you enlisted in the obese category, naturally the risk associated with obesity reduces. And the best way to obtain the right BMI is by following a healthy diet and spending plenty of time in doing proper workouts. Make sure to stay active enough and consume healthy foods to keep your BMI in check, before it becomes a problem, treatable only with surgery.
There is no connection between obesity and heart problems.
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Obesity, like overweight, is considered by cardiologists to be a major risk factor for developing various heart diseases. Over 300 million people are suffering from obesity worldwide and that is making them easily susceptible to various heart diseases. Even children who suffer from obesity stays at high risk of suffering from heart problems. In case you're suffering from obesity, it's a wise decision to go to a doctor and check your heart conditions, as obese people are the common victim of the cardio vascular disease.