Smoking is the main cause for cancers that may be present anywhere in the body. While it is possible to increase the life span of a cancer patient, there isn t really a cure for cancer and that is what makes it such a dangerous disease to have. If you smoke, quit smoking right now. This tip can save your life.
The worst carcinogenic component of a cigarette is
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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are tar components produced by pyrolysis in the smoldering organic matter and emitted into smoke. Acrolein is a pyrolysis product that is abundant in cigarette smoke. It gives smoke an acrid smell and an irritating, lachrymatory effect and is a major contributor to its carcinogenicity. Nitrosamines are a group of carcinogenic compounds found in cigarette smoke but not in uncured tobacco leaves. Nitrosamines form on flue-cured tobacco leaves during the curing process through a chemical reaction between nicotine and other compounds contained in the uncured leaf and various oxides of nitrogen found in all combustion gases. Sidestream tobacco smoke, or exhaled mainstream smoke, is particularly harmful. Because exhaled smoke exists at lower temperatures than inhaled smoke, chemical compounds undergo changes which can cause them to become more dangerous.
Smoking hookah is safer than cigarettes.
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While hookah is thought to be much safer than cigarettes due to the fact that water vapor is the medium for the nicotine to reach the users lungs, it is way more dangerous than cigarettes. The smoke from using a hookah for 1 hour is equivalent to the smoke from 100 smoked cigarettes. A person's risk of contracting disease is directly proportional to the length of time that a person continues to smoke, as well as the amount smoked. However, if someone stops smoking, then these chances gradually decrease as the damage to their body is repaired.
An occasional smoker will never get cancer due to smoking.
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An occasional smoker is always at risk for cancer as well, as cancer is due to a combination of two factors, numbers of years smoked for, and the intensity with which the smoker smoked. Always advise the occasional smokers to quit as soon as they can, as it is easier for them to quit right now. Once the smoker is addicted to cigarettes, it will be very hard for him to quit smoking.