Orthopedic Doctor, coimbatore
17 years experience
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Post-menopausal women need more calcium than pre-menopausal women
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The strength of your bones plays a large role in determining how susceptible you will be to fractures. In the case of women, peak bone mass is achieved by the age of 30. From here on, estrogen levels reduce. In turn, this causes the bone density to reduce as well. Thus, post-menopausal women need much more calcium as compare to pre-menopausal women. Milk and dairy products, sardines, leafy green vegetables and fortified cereals are rich sources of calcium. You could also take calcium supplements.
Along with Calcium, which vitamin do you need for healthy bones
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Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Ideally, you should have 600IUs a day up to the age of 50 years and 800IUs a day post that. The body creates vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. However, this may not be enough and you should include foods like egg yolks, tuna, salmon and fortified yogurt in your diet as well. The best time to get some sun is in the early morning.
Exercise can increase bone density
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Exercise benefits the body in many ways. One of its advantages is that it strengthens bones and tissues. This is easy to see as athletes tend to have denser bones as compared to people leading a sedentary life. The best way to start is with low-intensity exercises such as walking, cycling, and swimming. These can be supplemented with weight training. Along with strengthening the bones, exercise also helps improve balance and reduces the risk of slipping and falling. Aim for half-an-hour exercise each day.
The likelihood of osteoporosis can be tested with a
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Osteoporosis is one of the leading causes of fractures in elderly people. This is because the condition weakens bones and reduces bone density. An early diagnosis can help improve the situation through medication and physical therapy. This can be done with a bone density test. A bone density test is a must after the age of 65 years.
Yoga can help prevent fractures
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Yoga is a gentle form of exercise that helps strengthen joints and improves balance. Studies have shown that even just 10 minutes of yoga a day can help improve bone density in the spine and hips. Look for yoga asana that involves weight bearing positions and moving against resistance. While pre-menopausal women can benefit from yoga asanas that involve jumping, post-menopausal women should practice gentler asanas. Avoid power yoga if you have weak bones and try restorative yoga instead.