Which of these is a direct outcome of hypothyroidism?
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Hypothyroidism, as well as hyperthyroidism, are both linked to a host of muscle and joint related symptoms which are medically termed as myopathies. The skeletal muscles are known for being attached to the bones and myopathies are mostly known for affecting the proximal muscles. When metabolic conditions or inflammation cause the myopathy, the white cells start attacking parts of the muscle and surrounding blood vessels. Sometimes, different thyroid conditions are also associated with a particular muscle and joint problem. If you have hypothyroidism, you should be watchful about your joint health.
Which of these can be regarded as therapies to get rid of the joint pain?
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Some patients who are suffering from hypothyroidism and joint ache have found treatments like acupuncture, massage and other therapies very successful. But it is important to consider which treatment option would work the best for a person. Only an expert can determine that after a thorough evaluation of the patient s health condition. There are various health supplements which are also effective to some extent. Make sure that you are getting optimum treatment for hypothyroidism to keep the symptoms under control.
If you still suffer from joint pain while under treatment, a rheumatologist can help in reducing your discomfort.
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A trained rheumatologist can help you with more thorough evaluation of fibromyalgia and arthritis. Rheumatologists are experts in joint and muscle issues and are known for treating arthritis along with some autoimmune conditions. They can treat a lot of autoimmune conditions and several musculoskeletal pain disorders and tendonitis. It is important to ensure that your treatment for hypothyroidism is optimized and you are not undertreated.
Aerobics can aggravate the joint pain in people with hypothyroidism.
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Short sessions of aerobics for about 20 to 60 minutes can get your heart to pump and speed up the metabolism process. It can also eliminate chances of weight gain which is also one of the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism. But if you have knee pain, you should opt for low-impact aerobic exercise which would not hurt your knees and other joints. A stationary bike at the fitness center can also help in mitigating your pain from arthritis.
Healthy eating is a crucial part of healing the joint pain caused by hypothyroidism.
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You must try to replace the junk foods which can lead to unhealthy weight gain with fresh fruits and vegetables. You can also include lean meat and fatty fish such as tuna, mackerel, salmon and sardine in your diet as it is a good source of omega 3-fatty acids which can reduce inflammation. Inflammation is the first causing factor of joint pain and eating enough fruits and vegetables would give you the antioxidant boost that your body needs. Little changes in your diet can do a lot in improving your health and reduce the impacts of hypothyroidism.