DNB - Orthopedics/Orthopedic Surgery, MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, Fellowship In Joint Replacement
Orthopedic Doctor, Bangalore
34 years experience
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Which of these are the symptoms of shoulder pain?
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Some people often experience excruciating pain in their shoulders and its surrounding areas such as the neck or the head. The pain may create or cause muscle weakness or nerve damage, leading to feelings of numbness in certain portions of the shoulder. Additional symptoms of shoulder pain can include developing a cool hand or arm due to blocked veins. A deformity that stems from swelling or fractures can also indicate shoulder pain. Neglecting shoulder pain can be folly because the condition may deteriorate and end up disrupting our daily routines.
Some home remedies can prove to be extremely helpful in relieving shoulder pain.
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Sometimes, a minor shoulder injury can be treated at home with proper rest, pain controlling medications, and hot and cold compresses. The elevation of the injured area for around 20 minutes after every hour can also help prevent the swelling from spreading and arrest any aggravation in shoulder pain. In case the cause and source of the shoulder pain remain unknown, patients must seek professional orthopaedic help.
Which of these are the common causes of shoulder pain?
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The most common causes of shoulder pain include tendon issues, shoulder instability, arthritis, and bone fracture. However, the injuries inflicted on the muscles, soft tissues, ligaments, and tendons remain the major reasons responsible for shoulder pain. Sometimes, abnormal conditions in the organs such as the lungs, heart, and spinal cord can also lead to shoulder pain. Less common causes can include infections, tumours, and nerve issues. Therefore, patients should consult an orthopaedic professional; this action is crucial to managing shoulder pain.
There are no other medical treatments available for treating shoulder pain except surgery.
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When it comes to managing shoulder pain through medical treatment, some options are available. Occupational and physical therapies, using shoulder immobilizers or a sling represent some alternative modes of treatment. Patients can also take pain-relieving or anti-inflammatory medication. The availability of various medical treatments and their useful result can offer a permanent relief to patients suffering from shoulder pain. Depending on the condition of the patient and the cause of the pain, shoulder pain treatment may vary from person to person.
With regular exercise, shoulder pain can be prevented.
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Simple and easy shoulder exercises can be beneficial in reducing the risks of developing shoulder pain. All you need is to execute these movements correctly. They can be excellent in strengthening and stretching the rotator cuff tendons and shoulder muscles. These exercises must be part of a daily routine and can prevent the risks of swollen and cold shoulders. You need to seek immediate medical help in case you experience fever, swelling or inability to move your shoulder.